[[logseq]] is getting slower every day.
- thinking about starting to use [[wiki vim]] (not [[vim wiki]], confusingly :)) more regularly.
- Update: I was stuck on [[0.5.9]] due to an issue with the AppImage; now manually updated to [[0.7]] and it seems somewhat improved?
#push [[wiki vim]]
now I'm writing this in [[wiki vim]], in which:
- ,ww navigates to index.md
- ,w,w navigates to the current journal
- unfortunately navigating to a wikilink from the journal created the file in journal/, even though I want it in the root.
- filed: https://github.com/lervag/wiki.vim/issues/225
- already resulted in a nice workaround that I can just plug into my .vimrc :)
It is actually really nice to be able to journal in [[vim]] again.
- So responsive!
- And I can drop into 'full text/document mode' pretty easily, not to be constrained by [[outliner mode]].
- Also I now have a global alt-d shortcut for my journal -- that is, pressing alt-d brings up my daily note no matter where I am :)
Next thing missing is pasting media (that is, storing in assets and inserting a link). Thinking about how to solve this.
- [[md img paste]] https://github.com/ferrine/md-img-paste.vim might be this :)
now I'm writing this in [[wiki vim]], in which:
Looked into managing my [[dotfiles]] in a more structured way again.
- [[chezmoi]] is looking fancy and probably worth investing on?
- Started a [[flancian]] repo: https://gitlab.com/flancian/flancian
- [[Dockerfile]] is not there but should be there eventually.
- Playing with the Twitter API for my personal account.
- [[unlicense]]
- [[agora 3]]
[[wiki vim]]
- [[lervag]]
[[social coop]]
- [[relax instance registration]]
- [[social coop tech group]]
- [[giacomo sansoni]]
- [[ana ulin]]
- installed in [[paramita]], [[thecla]]
- set up repo in [[gitlab]]: same as [[flancian repo]] (should I just call it [[dotfiles]]? but I want it to store more :))
- it feels like it could be a reasonable general personal repo manager?
[[social coop]]
- [[relax instance registration]] -> proposal failing, thread useful
- called out for tomorrow's [[social coop tech group]] meeting via mastodon
- [[podagora]]
[[building bridges]]
- [[write]] a bit in the above node?
- [[write]] in that document
[[building bridges]]
I feel like I've been [[unlocking]] things, in some sense. I optimized several things which had been bothering me for a while. I feel freed up in a way.
Now it's 18:29 and I'm doing a [[pomodoro]] on [[chezmoi]] and with that I'm calling it with general optimization. Next up is [[podagora]] and in general some [[containers]] work, which on second inspection has to do with the [[flancian repo]] and [[project snapshot]].
I over-rested by staying with [[chezmoi]] as it was fun :)
Then I did a [[pomodoro]] on [[social coop]] as I needed to pay attention to [[relax instance registration]] and call for tomorrow's [[social coop tech group]]. Also had a nice [[mint tea]] :)
Then we had [[dinner]] and I cleaned the kitchen counters. Now it's 22 and I think I'll do yoga and try to do two more pomodoros before bed!
Done :) [[podman]] is cool, and http://hypatia.anagora.org (HTTP only, URL will change) is now up. I feel this was a productive day.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2022-05-26
- video call at meet.jit.si/2022-05-26